As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been playing with digital art in the form of text-to-image software. I must say that trying to coax nice flower bouquet images from the program has had its ups and downs. While not quite as grotesque as some images, there are a few head-scratchers until you realize both flowers and fruit are spherical shapes. Yes, I’ll get to that image soon enough, while also showcasing a trio of digital floral images I actually like.
Bouquet of pretty tulips done digitally

An early win (and it does feel like playing a word game) for me is this lovely square-format piece I simply call Vase of Tulips. Anyone who has read more than one blog post from me knows I am rather unimaginative when it comes to naming my artwork. As always, if you buy a piece you are free to name it whatever you like. I had not specified much for this text prompt, so getting a large bouquet as opposed to a small one, and getting two complementary (and realistic!) colors for the blooms was a pleasant surprise. Add in the single flower lying on the table top partially obscured by the pretty white vase, and I was so pleased. The lighting is both realistic and dramatic.
Purchase this digitally-created floral
As is the case for all the digital art pieces, there is no original. I am open to painting this in more traditional media if you’d like to commission me to do so. You can order art prints from small to ego-boosting BIG from my Pixels shop. To get this image printed on apparel and accessories for the home, visit my RedBubble shop.
Romantic pink tulips bouquet

After a couple dozen failures from the software, I started playing around with different modifiers. I finally scored a lucky “roll of the dice” with this pretty pink bouquet of tulips done in the Romantic style that I personally adore but have not yet tried my hand at achieving. (I’ll need to fix that sometime this year.) The only part of this piece of floral digital art that gave me pause was the single pink petal floating in the air along the left side. Other than that, the software managed to get the right combination of dramatic sunlight coming in through the window. It’s mostly (but not completely!) correct with the highlights on the flowers, and the overall effect is quite pretty.
Buy a print of Pretty Pink Tulips
No “original” exists since this is digital art, but you can buy an art print from small to impressive from my Pixels shop. If you are inclined to wear my art instead of framing it, my RedBubble shop has a wide range of apparel (and swag for the home) with it printed on it. Right now, I am on the fence as to whether or not I’d like to try my hand at recreating this on canvas or paper.
Slightly surrealistic Pink Peonies
I did try several species of flowers for a wider variety of floral bouquets, but the results were – at best – mixed. While the software generated a nice bouquet of white daisies in a nice ceramic pitcher, it set that pitcher on a gloomy flat rock instead of a table. Attempts to coax images of mums and chrysanthemums resulted in either unrealistic colored flowers, or a very drab composition. I tried red poppies in November, but did not like how those looked either. The one success (that is not roses or tulips) is a bouquet of pink peonies.

While it has most of the elements correct – the size of the peonies is “larger than life.” We had two pink peony bushes at the house where I grew up, and while they are not small flowers they are not quite this big either. I’m not sure of the physics of putting flowers this big into such a small vase without it tipping over. This one is the best of the bunch the software generated.
Links to buy prints of Pink Peonies
Once again, no “original” exists off of my hard drive and the site’s server. You can buy an art print for your wall from my Pixels shop in whichever size you desire. Over at my RedBubble shop you can find it printed on apparel and accessories for the home if you prefer your art to also be practical.
The bloom is off the digital art flower for me
Back in the comments section of my first blog post on digital art, blogging buddy Jim Hughes predicted that the novelty of this form of digital art will likely wear off. I have to admit; he called it. I find myself putting in fewer text prompts these days. Far too much of the output I get is disappointing when it isn’t blatantly wrong.
Still life composition: fruit and florals
One very traditional still life composition going back centuries is to do a floral bouquet with some fruit around it. There is usually some symbolism involved, which I need to research for its own post. Even if the software developers only used art in the public domain, this ought to be an easy subject for the program to generate. It isn’t. Trust me. I tried!

Apparently, so-called AI software cannot distinguish between fruit and a flower. They are both usually spherical, so it jumbles them together any which way. A big element in the program is a randomizing factor akin to rolling dice or drawing a number out of a hat, and this is the element that completely messes up my attempts to get a floral with fruit on a table composition. This is why we human artists are still relevant. We know early on in life that fruit doesn’t go at the end of a flower stem!
While I will likely still play around with the text-to-image software from time to time, I just cannot see it replacing the more traditional version of art. This is particularly true for my rather traditional style of art. I still would like to do up a classical still life involving both a bouquet of flowers and some fruit (on a table and not some gloomy flat rock). I do see it as a way to get ideas for layout and composition, like my yellow roses examples. The results from this program still need to be sorted by and filtered through a living human artist.