Looking through what I have uploaded to my Pixels site, I realize I am missing a blog post about a favorite charcoal drawing. Then I realized the scan I had uploaded that was (past tense now) available was from my old scanner, and that needed fixing. So, I rescanned the page from my sketchbook and replaced the old, smaller file size scan, and now I can proudly say you can get a print of this either a little smaller or a whole lot larger … like 45 by 60 inch at the biggest. That’s even bigger than my largest canvas right now! So without further ado, here is one of my favorite pages from my sketchbook, a monarch butterfly on a coneflower, rendered in charcoal.

In other news, there is a county fair this year, after a two-year hiatus, and I remembered in time to check for when they are accepting entries for the art category. It is Thursday evening and Friday morning, and I have that time block free. I will be taking up two works, the two first place winners from the VA Healthcare show. I still love how my Flamingo in Rippled Water turned out, and when I showed these two pieces to my neighbor who stopped by yesterday, he told me if it doesn’t get bought at the fair to come to him because he really wants my Dew on a Calla Lily drawing. Actually, he tried to persuade me to give it to there on the spot, but I am used to that routine by now, after living just down the road from him for nine years now.
Final bit is you may notice I have added an old style blog roll in the sidebar. Right now it is all art photographers, but I am hoping to find a drawing and painting blogger to also collaborate with soon. I blogged back in the days before social media was even a thing, and remember not only the sense of camaraderie we had, but also the fun things we used to do to help each other like link roundups, blog hops, and blog carnivals. Once I get through the busy part of spring, it will be, “Game ON!” with those ideas, so something to look forward to once the yellow flies come out of the swamp.
One thing to think about, Katrina, is that you are sending the full text of the post out in the email and so people don’t come here unless they want to comment, so they don’t see your blog roll and other things. Might be better to only show an excerpt? But I love the sketch of the butterfly! As I can’t sketch, it made me think I could make a digital drawing of a butterfly!
Lovely work my friend. As a teenager and you adult I could draw and paint. My most recent behavior was most disappointing. I guess drawing and painting may be a bit of a use it or lose it proposition. Maybe after retirement when I have a bit more free time I can devote a bit of effort to rekindling those skills.
Thanks for adding my blog to your blog roll. I too remember the pre-social media days. Heck, I used to hold moderator/administrator/owner positions on long gone things such as AOL, Compuserve and various other forums and mailists. I suppose that tags me as and old-timer!
Keep up the good work. I’m loving your drawings.
You don’t lose it completely. I didn’t draw for about 15 years after I got out of the army, but it all came back when I picked it back up in September ’19, and I am now building on it. My dad insists my work the past couple years has been better than what it once was.
Katrina, this is just beautiful! So much detail and intricacy! I do wish I could draw. I’ve tried, but I just don’t have the talent for it. My drawings consist of upside down smooth-edged W’s to stand for seagulls and a huge circle in the corner of the page to stand for the sun. I can see it in my mind’s eye, but I can’t get it to travel to my hands to put it on paper. I admire your work!
Deb, believe it or not I don’t always achieve what I can see in my mind’s eye. I’ve even described drawing and painting as “wrestling an image onto paper/canvas,” with different degrees of success.
Beautiful drawing!
I like this Charcoal drawing and the so well focus on the butterfly, with all the details and the light on his eye.
Here is my contribution to this “Small wildlife” theme: https://www.giftsmart.com/life-is-beautiful/
Got it, Tatiana, and thank you!