A charcoal still life of a squash, with a quarter cut out and a wedge sliced off to reveal the rich flesh and seeds within. Vegetables are a popular subject for still life works, right up there with flowers. I did a little research into still lifes, and discovered this was an art category that women play a prominent role in, even back into Renaissance time.

The original is roughly 12 by 9 inches (23 cm by 31 cm, made in France), on 100% cotton paper, with a coat of fixative, and available. It is currently on display at El Amigo Restaurant in Crescent City, Florida. If you live outside the area, you can purchase the original through Daily PaintWorks and have it shipped to you. Prints are available at my Pixels store, and accessories and more styles of prints are at my RedBubble store.
I revisited the idea of charcoal still life drawings again, with my Apples 3 in charcoal being the one I like best (so far). Even more charcoal artwork is here, and I will continue to add more simply because I enjoy the medium so. I will also be doing more still life art, because there is just something classical about it that appeals to me – and on occasion, I even manage to bring in some produce from my attempts at gardening, including more squash.
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