I am still catching up here on this new blog, and today I am spotlighting my red tulips painting, done in watercolor in an Impressionistic style, using eye-catching red and green on white watercolor paper. This piece makes for an interesting contrast to the more exact Johnny-Jump-Ups I also painted in watercolor.
Inspiration behind the painting
These were a certain sign of spring when I was growing up in Indiana. Previous occupants had planted both red and yellow tulips in between the decorative shrubs, and these would bloom even before the purple irises on either side of the back gate. Our house and garage were both white, with a light gray concrete foundation, so when I stumbled upon this reference photo showing red tulips against a white background, I knew I had found the perfect photo for me.
As a child, I remember being fascinated by the cup shape of the fully open tulip flowers. As an adult artist, I now find myself more interested in the tulip buds as they are opening. This is likely because of the promise and potential inherent in opening flower buds, and what could better embody the promise of spring than flower buds as they are just starting to open?

Purchase information for Red Tulips
The original is 9 by 12 inches, sealed with Dorland’s wax to protect against humidity and spills, and I can ship to buyers outside the region also. Prints are available at my Pixels store, and accessories are at my RedBubble store. My personal favorite accessory is this painting on the front of a spiral notebook, available at both Pixels and RedBubble.
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